Change is Good and Necessary!

The following videos will present the challenges that African Women face as they address Gender Based Violence or Intimate Partner Violence (GBV or IPV) within their country of origin or as immigrants in the United States.
African Women’s experiences associated with GBV are different than victims of abuse within the United States.
There are different sets of hurdles they must overcome that are not faced in the same way by U.S. born women.
(1) African_Womens_Roundtable: This video shows a discussion with African Women from over 18 different countries discussing how domestic violence affects them. They discuss cultural beliefs that influence their treatment in their countries of origin as well as their experience with abuse as an immigrant and refugee within the United States. Insight and experiences are shared along with recommendations on how to be helpful among African women that come from 54 different countries and speak over 2,000 different languages.
(2) Africans and domestic violence Dr. Grace Mose Okongo lecture
Dr. Grace Mose Okongo provide a presentation that offers the audience a context for understanding and working with various African communities to address domestic violence. These insights are essential to developing an increased perspective about how battered women are affected but also how men are taught to believe is acceptable based on cultural beliefs and practices.
(3) African Women and domestic violence-skit one: This skit shows the potential for intimidation and violence when role expectation is not realized. In some countries, husbands have the right to discipline his wife, if she does not fulfill her duties as a wife. Men may be expected to use aggression as a method to control her or correct her behavior. If she protests they make challenge her by accusing her of following Western perspectives rather than that of the country of origin.
(4) African women and domestic violence-skit two: This skit addresses the issues faced by an Islamic African women who have to address the challenges of gender role expectation from the country of origin; interpretations of a women’s and men’s rights through Faith and integration to U.S. Again men may believe that the Quran gives them license to abuse when many Imam notes that it does not.
(5) African Dance: shows challenges of African men finding employment and to African Women and as victims of GBV/IPV.
(6) Roundtable participants and presenters, conference speakers also from skits and artistic performance. Here are the voices of people that know the subject best and consider the most supportive approach to solve the problem of GBV/IPV.
(7) African Battered Women and the Courts-The Case of Doussou
This presentation will explore the challenges African battered immigrant and refugee women may face at the hands of their husband. Issues of culture, context, traditional gender roles may play in domestic violence. Contributors include key informants, DV advocates, Judges, and Scholars when it comes to violence in the African Community.
This is the introduction of an to an African women’s and men’s roundtable on Gender Based Violence hosted by Dr. Oliver Williams and Fatima Porgho from the Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community
This presentation offers and overview about Gender Based Violence among different African Countries and the challenges about the issue for immigrant Africans in the United States. Presenters include Dr. Oliver Williams, Ms. Fatima Porhgo, MA, Wondimu S. Yirga, P.P.H, BSN, LPN and Ms. Oni Richards, MA.
This presentation offers insight into the challenges African Women faces associated with Gender Based Violence and the uniqueness of the challenges in various African Countries and in the United States. Presentation is provided by Dr. UjU Obi-Barry, M.D.
This is a skit developed by members of various African countries about community methods to address conflict in relationships in various Countries in Africa but also in the United States